

Our commitment to the concept of environmental sustainability keeps inspiring us to create concrete products that environmentally friendly and meet the needs of customers who have the same spirit of preserving the environment.
PASSCRETE is a special concrete with high porosity that used for flat-work pavement, where water can flow through the slits on the pavement well.
PASSCRETE is the solution for environmental sustainability, the rainwater can be absorbed by the soil well for the reforestation, in the other hand PASSCRETE pavement structure also gives a mild impact on the burden of drainage and reduce the risk of flooding.


  • SNI 2847-2013, ACI 318 Standard
  • Concrete Quality K125 - K200
  • Aggregate size 10 mm – 20 mm
  • Slump 0 mm (zero slump)


  • Parking lot
  • Pedestrian road
  • Roadside
  • Zoo Area


  • Strength and endurance - made according to the specifications of strength and endurance that assigned by planner for special structure.
  • Material - can be made with the mass pavement technique, made to reduce the burden of drainage.
  • Working time and cost - more efficient because it does not need an additional area for the purposes of the rainwater absorption and additional canal to the absorption area. More efficient than the paving block pavement.
  • Eco friendly - water absorption for reforestation and reducing the impact of flood and inundation.

PT Pionirbeton Industri